Test Menu
Surgical Pathology
Tissue Pathology
Methodology: H&E Staining, Microscopy
Preferred specimens: Formalin-fixed, Paraffin-embedded tissue
Report available: Variable depending on complexity, most within 48 hours
Specimen comments:
GYN Cytology
Pap Test (ThinPrep)
Methodology: ThinPrep System
Preferred specimens: Cervical, vaginal, or anal sample in liquid based cytology container
Report available: Variable depending on complexity, most within 48 hours
Specimen comments: Add-on tests (HPV, CT/NG, etc) see clinical pathology tests. Follow ThinPrep Specimen Collection procedure (published by Hologic).
Note: The Pap smear is a screening test designed to aid in the detection of premalignant and malignant conditions of the uterine cervix. It is not a diagnostic procedure and should not be used as the sole means of detecting cervical cancer. Both false-positive and false-negative reports do occur.
Non-GYN Cytology
Needle aspiration
Preferred specimens: Needle aspirations submitted in cytology fixative, smears
Report available: Most within 72 hours
Specimen comments:
Clinical Pathology
Candida vaginitis / Trichomonas vaginalis
Methodology: Hologic Aptima TMA
Preferred specimens: Aptima swab
Report available: 48-72 hours
Chlamydia trachomatis / Neisseria gonorrohoeae
Methodology: Hologic Aptima TMA
Preferred specimens: ThinPrep Liquid Pap container, Aptima swab, voided urine, oral rinse
Report available: 48-72 hours
Specimen comments:
Group B Streptococcus
Methodology: DNA extraction followed by multiplex PCR and automated microcapillary electrophoresis
Preferred specimens: ESwab
Report available: 48-72 hours
Specimen comments:
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1/2 Detection
Methodology: Hologic Aptima TMA
Preferred specimens: ThinPrep Liquid Pap container, site-directed swab preserved with PreserveCyt medium, oral rinse
Report available: 48-72 hours
Specimen comments:
Human Papillomavirus Detection / Identification
Methodology: Hologic Aptima TMA
Preferred specimens: ThinPrep Liquid Pap container, oral rinse
Report available: 48-72 hours
Specimen comments:
Mycoplasma genitalium
Methodology: Hologic Aptima TMA
Preferred specimens: Aptima swab
Report available: 72 hours
Specimen comments:
Paper Requisition
Fill in patient information (A)
Fill in ordering physician information including office / surgery center site (B)
Provide relevant history and ICD9 codes (C)
Tissue description (surgical specimens only) (D)
Specify screening or diagnostic pap, order any additional tests required (E)
Label specimens with a minimum of 2 identifiers
Place specimens, requisition, and related documents in a bio-hazard bag
Web Order
Login to PracticeLink Orders
Select the appropriate order type
Provide as much detail as possible for each specimen container
Label specimens with 3x1 labels
Place specimens, requisition, and related documents in provided bio-hazard bag
EMR Order
Ordering method will vary by EMR vendor
Follow lab ordering prompts
Label specimen containers with printed labels
Place specimens, requisition, and related documents in provided bio-hazard bag
Specimen Transport
If your practice has been provided with a specimen lock-box and predetermined pickup secheudle, place specimens in the lock-box
For will-call pickups, please call 302.677.0000 and speak with our client relations team
Specimens may be shipped to DPS via UPS (account number will be provided)
Result Reporting
Final reports are distributed automatically to your office's fax machine
To request a faxed report, please call 302.677.0000
Login to PracticeLink
New results will be displayed on the New Results screen
Historical results may be accessed using the Specimen Search feature
Automated alerts may be configured to email you when results are ready for viewing
Results are delivered to your EMR once they are available
To request results, please call 302.677.0000
Courier / Postal Service
Practices without electronic capabilities may request results sent to them via DPS courier services, or by mail
Results will be mailed to physicians responsible for the patient's care
Upon result availability, billing codes are electronically transmitted to our billing provider
The patient's health plan administrator will be billed using the information provided with the specimen
Ocasionally, we may encounter circumstances where we are unable to bill a patient's insurance satisfactoraily, and may contact your office or the patient to obtain additional information